Page name: Book Fanatics [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-03-19 22:05:10
Last author: Corazie
Owner: Corazie
# of watchers: 9
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Harry Potter*
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The Notebook
Great Expectations
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In Her Shoes
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Kevin Brooks Kevin Brooks
Meg Cabot Meg Cabot
Elizabeth Chadwick Elizabeth Chadwick
Trudi Canavan Trudi Canavan
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Dean Koontz Dean Koonts
Celia Rees Celia Rees
J.K. Rowling JK Rowling
Alice Sebold Alice Sebold
Sarra Manning Sarra Manning
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Book Fanatics Members

[hiya hails :)]
[the obvious child]
[Lady Neit]
[Jodie luvs Jack]
[Papa Don't Preach]
[Just pretend you never knew me]

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Kevin Brooks
Sarra Manning
Book Fanatics Competitions

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2207) Best Writer Of Contemporary Teen Fiction? (Administrator: [Corazie])

Number of voters: 10

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2006-06-18 [Lady Neit]: whats wrong with everyone today?

2006-06-18 [Corazie]: Candy by Kevin Brooks is really harsh... About sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll basically... Very deep

2006-06-19 [~Sparky~]: oo that... nice...

2006-06-20 [Lady Neit]: oooooooooo... you've read that already right?

2006-06-20 [~Sparky~]: who? well ill tell you anyway no i havent. i dont know what your talking about

2006-06-20 [Corazie]: XD I got it when it first came out: it's great ^^

2006-06-20 [Jodie luvs Jack]: hello ppl!!

2006-06-20 [Corazie]: hey jo

2006-06-21 [Lady Neit]: hey jodie

2006-06-22 [~Sparky~]: hello. i finnished that book cora. i liked it but i was dissapointed with the ending! he should have LIVED!!! actually it was a good ending... oh well

2006-06-22 [hiya hails :)]: Yummm I'm having Piela. :D

2006-06-23 [Lady Neit]: well you've just given the ending away to everybody there, cheers devon

2006-06-23 [hiya hails :)]: hehe, well done dev, that was a classic moment!! :D haha.

2006-06-23 [FeckErseDrink!]: go devon, go devon, go devon

2006-06-23 [Lady Neit]: ¬¬

2006-06-23 [hiya hails :)]: I mean.. DEVON! :P

2006-06-23 [hiya hails :)]: hahaha.

2006-06-23 [Lady Neit]: O.o

2006-06-23 [Corazie]: That's the Spanish food thing, isn't it? With the rice-like stuff?

2006-06-23 [Corazie]: Yea... I cried at the end of BMT

2006-06-23 [hiya hails :)]: Yeah, Its seafood rice =]

2006-06-23 [Corazie]: Very nice ^^

2006-06-23 [Corazie]: I had some when I was in Spain and it was very yummy

2006-06-23 [hiya hails :)]: Yep, very yumm

2006-06-25 [Lady Neit]: howl is hot...

2006-06-26 [~Sparky~]: i have also now finished 'so much to tell you' it was interesting

2006-06-26 [Corazie]: Is it? I may read it...

2006-06-26 [~Sparky~]: eh! but its yours, youve already read the bugger.

2006-06-26 [Corazie]: I've already read every book I own XD So I may read it... Again :P

2006-06-26 [~Sparky~]: ooo if you give me back them books you dun wanna read ill lend you the rest of the lisa gadner books!!!!

2006-06-26 [Corazie]: Okies.... When I can be arsed XD

2006-06-26 [~Sparky~]: alrighty then

2006-06-26 [Corazie]: Hee hee... I'll send one in with Phi tomorrow

2006-06-26 [~Sparky~]: alrigti. didnt you read anyof them? not even odd thomas?

2006-06-26 [Corazie]: Tried Odd Thomas... Was doing exams at the time though...

2006-06-26 [~Sparky~]: oh. well its good and you really should read it. what book you up to for lisa gardner. the second one?

2006-06-26 [Corazie]: Yea

2006-06-26 [~Sparky~]: rightio

2006-06-26 [Corazie]: Give it to Phi or wait until you/me are next in Nero

2006-06-27 [Lady Neit]: the last book i read all the way through was the 6th harry potter one

2006-06-27 [~Sparky~]: oooo nice. i dont like harry potter. you tell me when your next in nero then

2006-06-27 [Lady Neit]: *pluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush carpet*

2006-06-27 [Corazie]: I'm in everyday XD Literally XD

2006-06-28 [~Sparky~]: oh ok haa.

2006-06-29 [FeckErseDrink!]: cora, you must spend bloody loads in that place

2006-06-29 [~Sparky~]: you need to put pics of me up on devon is great

2006-06-29 [Corazie]: Yeah... I don't spend that much... And Christine keeps on giving me free drinks and loads of stamps ^^

2006-06-30 [~Sparky~]: oo lucky you

2006-06-30 [hiya hails :)]: Yummm, we're having curry :D

2006-06-30 [Corazie]: Lucky you XD I just had a salad XD

2006-06-30 [hiya hails :)]: Deprived child

2006-07-01 [Lady Neit]: har har i'm obssessed and addicted to PANCAKES!!! and its saffy's fault...

2006-07-02 [~Sparky~]: i like american pancakes

2006-07-02 [Lady Neit]: i lie all pancakes o.o

2006-07-02 [~Sparky~]: did you mean like?

2006-07-02 [Corazie]: yum.

2006-07-03 [Lady Neit]: yeh

2006-07-04 [Corazie]: Anyone interested in reading an Elizabeth Chadwick book?

2006-07-05 [~Sparky~]: later

2006-07-05 [Corazie]: Okies ^_^

2006-07-07 [Lady Neit]: meh

2006-07-07 [~Sparky~]: what?

2006-07-07 [Lady Neit]: meh...

2006-07-08 [Corazie]: "meh" what? | The book Steph had today is one of my Elizabeth Chadwick ones... Very good...

2006-07-08 [Lady Neit]: that knot of love or something?

2006-07-09 [~Sparky~]: i dunno. i got some more murder books of my gran. they look bloody great... sorry hayley but i maybe a bit long with life of pi still

2006-07-09 [Lady Neit]: PETER PARKKERS GONE!!!!

2006-07-10 [Corazie]: wtf..? | It was The Love Knot. I personally prefer The Champion... But oh well... Everyone seen PotC2 yet? OMG!!! Did you watch after the credits?

2006-07-11 [Lady Neit]: ooooooo no i didn't >< but i'm gonna go see it again on saturday so i'll see it then

2006-07-11 [Lady Neit]: hehe when it had finished on thursday, a bloke in the front said "Fucking wanker!!"

2006-07-11 [Corazie]: Lmfao XD Yeah, things like that were said on Friday... Seeing it again tomorrow ^_^

2006-07-11 [Lady Neit]: i'm seing it again on saturday with mah booooob ^^ we're gonna dress up as pirates!! arrr

2006-07-11 [~Sparky~]: seeing what??? and whats happenend with peter parkkers

2006-07-12 [Lady Neit]: dead man's chest (CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow) ^_^

2006-07-12 [Corazie]: Tell me what happens at the end of the credits... It's supposed to set the plot for the next film, like it did with the first... In the first the monkey went back and got a piece of gold...

2006-07-13 [~Sparky~]: oh yeah. well, that didnt show what was gonna happen next!... did it? i dont remember...

2006-07-13 [Lady Neit]: hehe "look" *shoots monkey* monkey "EEEEE" jack: "an undead monkey"

2006-07-15 [~Sparky~]: oh right

2006-07-15 [Lady Neit]: yuh

2006-07-16 [Corazie]: So... What happened?

2006-07-17 [Lady Neit]: what happened when? oooo i saw after the credits ^^

2006-07-17 [Corazie]: What happened after the credits...

2006-07-17 [Lady Neit]: y'know the tribe?? it flicked back to them and they had made the dog cheif. it was sitting in the chair with a hat on and a huge bone in its mouth

2006-07-17 [Corazie]: Har har har XD Cool ^_^

2006-07-17 [Lady Neit]: yuh

2006-07-17 [Corazie]: Poor dog... XD

2006-07-18 [~Sparky~]: awww poor doggy, its going to be eaten!

2006-07-18 [Lady Neit]: poor thingymajig...

2006-07-18 [Corazie]: Heh heh heh: I wonder if you see it in the next film...

2006-07-18 [Lady Neit]: probs

2006-07-19 [~Sparky~]: humm... i think if they make any more then 3 it would judt ruin it

2006-07-19 [Lady Neit]: nuh uh. its like Harry Potter. it goes on and on!

2006-07-19 [hiya hails :)]: :| AHH. I'm quite tired of harry potter now. Its boring

2006-07-19 [Lady Neit]: does anyone know whats up with rachel???

2006-07-21 [~Sparky~]: whos Rachel?? i suppose that also answers your question... heh heh

2006-07-21 [Lady Neit]: rachel ritherford. from school. long blonde hair... evil glint in her scary blue eyes o.o

2006-07-21 [~Sparky~]: yeah i know now.... so what was wrong like?

2006-07-21 [Lady Neit]: i hadn't put her back on my buttie's list after our fight

2006-07-21 [~Sparky~]: and??

2006-07-21 [Lady Neit]: she got upset

2006-07-21 [Lady Neit]: *affection*

2006-07-22 [~Sparky~]: oh ok

2006-07-22 [Lady Neit]: yuh

2006-07-23 [Corazie]: Tut tut.

2006-07-23 [Lady Neit]: *AFFECTION TO LE CORA*

2006-07-24 [~Sparky~]: oh yeah. i keep meaning to bring your book to caffe nero but i forget to. so if i go out tomorrow ill just post it if thats alright with you?

2006-07-25 [Lady Neit]: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

2006-07-25 [rebeccajlsk]: I'm not a member of this, but I was going to suggest How I Live Now by Meg Rossoff...but someone beat me to it =[

2006-07-25 [Lady Neit]: poopey

2006-07-25 [~Sparky~]: aww well. oooo that reminds me i need to add things

2006-07-25 [Lady Neit]: addy wheeeeeeeeeeee

2006-07-25 [~Sparky~]: but i cant as a cant remember the auther....

2006-07-25 [Lady Neit]: damn and blaaaaaaaaaaast

2006-07-25 [Corazie]: Add away. I'm in every day. If I'm not there, just 'accidently' leave it there with a note and I'll pick it up XD

2006-07-25 [~Sparky~]: haa aha ok. oh well, ill make sure your gonna be there and would you bring my dean koonts books then i lend you yhe lisa gadner one

2006-07-25 [Lady Neit]: hehe

2006-07-25 [Corazie]: I'll dig them out ^^ Fuck... I'm loosing the books peoplke have lent me... Shit...

2006-07-25 [Lady Neit]: moooooooooooooooooooop

2006-07-25 [~Sparky~]: haa haa. thats ok for now as long as i do get them eventually heh heh

2006-07-25 [Lady Neit]: .....*bored*

2006-07-25 [Corazie]: You shall ^^

2006-07-25 [Lady Neit]: *chases a butterfly*

2006-07-25 [Corazie]: Butterfly ^_^

2006-07-25 [Lady Neit]: o.o

2006-08-04 [Corazie]: I have lots of new books if anyone wants to borrow them ^_^ And at £1 a week you can borrow a Studio Ghibli DVD

2006-08-04 [Lady Neit]: O.o

2006-08-04 [~Sparky~]: rightio, i think we're going in town on sat... are you?

2006-08-04 [Corazie]: Yep ^_^

Hang on... the comment box has changed....

2006-08-04 [~Sparky~]: urgh, why?

2006-08-04 [Corazie]: No idea... It's the same on all wiki's...

Pretty cool though...

2006-08-04 [~Sparky~]: but whys it cool... its getting on my nerves the way its leaving massive gaps

2006-08-04 [Corazie]: It means that you can paragraph it ^_^

2006-08-05 [~Sparky~]: ooo does it... groovey!

2006-08-05 [Lady Neit]: yay!!

wow you can too XD

2006-08-06 [Jodie luvs Jack]: i got my hair cut upto my shoulders it looks soooo cool!!!!!

2006-08-06 [Lady Neit]: ooooooooooooooo

2006-08-06 [Jodie luvs Jack]: im getting a new pic on my webbi 2 show everone!!!

2006-08-06 [Lady Neit]: yay!! tell me when its up

2006-08-10 [Jodie luvs Jack]: kk

2006-08-11 [Corazie]: Cool ^_^

2006-08-11 [Jodie luvs Jack]: its up its up my new pic!!!!

2006-08-11 [Corazie]: Very nice :)

2006-08-11 [Lady Neit]: its pwetty ^^

2006-08-11 [+♥+SAFFY+♥+]: Very smexy jo!

2006-08-11 [Lady Neit]: ^^

2006-08-11 [Corazie]: ^_^

2006-08-11 [Lady Neit]: ^_^ =P

2006-08-11 [Corazie]: La la la...

2006-08-11 [Lady Neit]: la la la la la la i need a ooh la lala la

2006-08-11 [Corazie]: huh?

2006-08-11 [Lady Neit]: XD gold frapp

2006-08-11 [Corazie]: Oooh yeah... I used to have that on zee comp

2006-08-12 [Jodie luvs Jack]: thanx

2006-08-12 [Corazie]: You're Welcome...

Who has "Lets Get Lost" by Sarra Manning? Devon or Hayley?

2006-08-12 [Lady Neit]: lol

2006-08-12 [Jodie luvs Jack]: i can't wait to go to seaton burn!

2006-08-12 [Corazie]: It's a shit hole great place!

2006-08-12 [Jodie luvs Jack]: (now be honest) would it be a good thing to do to join the signing group

2006-08-12 [Corazie]: I dunno... I've been in it. So's Phi. And Liv...

2006-08-12 [Corazie]:

Can anyone suggest anything new for a poll?

2006-08-12 [Jodie luvs Jack]: why don't you do why do you love books

2006-08-12 [Corazie]: Ahhh... That's a good one... Need some reasons though XD

2006-08-14 [Jodie luvs Jack]: why i don't like reading!

1.cause i can't read
2. its shit
3. BORING!! smells

why i love reading!!!

1. it takes me into another world
2.i just love it
3.cause then i can have a good reson for haveing hot chococlate
4. just for fun

hope you think of more!

2006-08-14 [Lady Neit]: .....they're really good

2006-08-14 [hiya hails :)]: Just wait until I get the bar of soap to shove down your throat...

2006-08-14 [Lady Neit]: =O

2006-08-14 [Corazie]: Lmfao XD
Reach for it Hayley...
Run Jo!!

2006-08-14 [Lady Neit]: new pictures in franki's characters... the scanner here is being nice to me now

2006-08-14 [Lady Neit]: do i'm in a drawing mood XD

2006-08-14 [Lady Neit]: hehe!!

2006-08-14 [Corazie]: Who has Lets Get Lost?

2006-08-14 [Lady Neit]: not me

2006-08-14 [Corazie]: I know... It's either Hayley or Devon, but I can't remember who...

2006-08-14 [Jodie luvs Jack]: so you like me resons?

2006-08-14 [Corazie]: No spam. Bad Franki!

Some of them Jo XD Lmao XD

2006-08-14 [Lady Neit]: =( not spam ='( i worked hard on that...

2006-08-15 [~Sparky~]: frizzles got it =). not ME, i have too many books to read =/

2006-08-15 [Lady Neit]: ...

2006-08-15 [Jodie luvs Jack]: hi pplz

2006-08-15 [Lady Neit]: heyoooo

2006-08-15 [~Sparky~]: helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

2006-08-16 [Lady Neit]: DOOOO your boobs hang low do they wobble to and fro, can ya tie them in a knot can ya tie them in a bow? can ya throw them over your shoulder like a continental soldier, do your boobs- hang -low??!! X3

2006-08-16 [~Sparky~]: not really... they get me wine though

2006-08-16 [hiya hails :)]: HAHAHA. Certainly do.

2006-08-16 [Corazie]: You spilled your wine?

2006-08-16 [Lady Neit]: XD

2006-08-16 [hiya hails :)]: NO! Why would we waste?

2006-08-16 [Lady Neit]: lmao

2006-08-16 [~Sparky~]: eh... i dont understand... who spilt wine???

2006-08-16 [Lady Neit]: no one. don't wana waste

2006-08-17 [hiya hails :)]: Exactly.

2006-08-17 [Lady Neit]: hehe

2006-08-17 [Corazie]: Ahh... Just understood... Lmfao XD

2006-08-17 [Lady Neit]: ..oO

2006-08-17 [Jodie luvs Jack]: i bored

boring boring boring old life

2006-08-17 [Lady Neit]: i agree

2006-08-17 [Jodie luvs Jack]: its sooo dule

2006-08-17 [Corazie]: I want coffee. I need coffee. I'm going in to town in just under an hour.

2006-08-17 [Jodie luvs Jack]: u like coffie mmmmmmm coffie lovey coffie coffie beans will rule that world!!!!!! ha ha

2006-08-17 [Corazie]: o.O
I have coffe.
And I'm getting better coffee.
And I might get some chocolate covered coffee beans later.

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